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DirectorSchool - Do you want to be a better Director? 

Up to 15 Directors in a boardroom setting gaining practical knowledge and insight into being better at:


  • What it means to be a Director including ‘Governance – what is it?’
    Most people are promoted to director or start their own company without any training or guidance about being a director. It is an onerous position if you don’t know how to do the job. It is different from the day-to-day management of the company. This class is designed to show you the areas of risk, your duties and responsibilities, why companies need directors and how to protect yourself from problems.

  • Strategy – what it is and how to use it to be more competitive.
    Very few directors understand the work needed to develop a good strategy that will help the business grow and survive in the long term. Most boards deal in tactical advantage in a narrow competitive field. This class helps you understand the bigger picture and how to develop your strategy for success.

  • Leadership – what it means to you and those you lead.
    Great leaders are not born. Great leaders work hard at improving themselves and those around them for the greater good. This class deals with your behaviour in the context of leading others, even if you are not their designated leader!

  • Boardroom behaviour – how to make a difference and improve profits.
    In most small companies the board meeting is a formal management meeting. This is wrong. Board meetings are for all sorts of issues including strategy, policy, values, stakeholder influence, culture, and business case matters along with anything else that impacts on the business. Debating the right issues in a collaborative manner is the role of the board. This class will give you the ground rules along with tips and techniques.

  • Failure – what could happen and what should happen.
    Sometimes it goes wrong. Acting early and with clarity can save the business, jobs, and valuable assets. Leaving it too late, deluding yourself that it will work out, often ends with an Insolvency Practitioner being appointed and control being lost. This class talks about the alternative routes to solving problems and focuses on acting responsibly to avoid disaster.


Each session will give you the right information, show you why you need to know it, and finally help you apply it to your situation.


Directorschool is run by Ellanstone team member Peter Buglass. Contact him directly at


To attend email and he’ll forward the next available date near your location. If you can get 10 or more directors to attend a classroom event then Peter will travel to your location.


You can attend just one session for £175 each or all five sessions for £700 per person. Each session is a minimum of 2 hours.

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